Capitol Hill Seminar | ‘The potential of American recognition of Israeli sovereignty on the Golan Heights’

The ‘Coalition for the Israeli Golan’ and ‘EMET – Endowment for Middle East Truth’ held a staffers Seminar in congress regarding: ‘The potential of American recognition of Israeli sovereignty on the Golan Heights’.

The event was attended by: Sarah Stern, founder and president of EMET; Zvi Hauser, Chairman of the Coalition for the Israeli Golan; Dr. Ofir Haivry, Chairman of the Executive Committee, and Michael Doran, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute.

Participants received a detailed briefing regards the Israeli-American interests in recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, as well as an overview of what the current situation in the Middle East. The panel addressed the changing Middle East and discussed the need of a rethinking process in US foreign policy to the region.

During the event, participants received a policy paper and  special update memo, both were written by the specialists of the ‘Coalition for the Israeli Golan’. The second part of the seminar was devoted to the questions and a fruitful discussion was held between participants and the members of the panel on practical steps that could be taken in Congress to promote recognition of Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights.

Watch Michael Doran >>

Watch Ofir Haivry >>

Watch the Q&A >>

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